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Contact Comfort Neutral

Current price: € 39,95


  • DCF simple, comprehensive saddle selection process—visual results in 10 minutes or less showing exactly how a rider contacts the saddle and which shape is recommended
  • Appropriate shape based on DCF science and field test results
  • Strategically placed Particle Flow Technology
  • Appropriate thickness foam fill provides enhanced support while not compromising comfort; also gives a good impression with thumb test
  • Smoother saddle nose, extended side wrap, u-shaped central channel, and smoother channel top to convey visual comfort
  • Vacuum formed softer elastic wrap for comfort and durability
  • UniClip™ Mount System features a new clip that closes of the back of the saddle for a rounder tail on off-road bikes. It also allows for future accessories for mounting gear.

Deze specificaties zijn met de grootste zorgvuldigheid samengesteld. Specificaties, beschikbaarheid, prijzen en kleuren kunnen echter zonder vooraankondiging wijzigen.